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On Monday 29th of March, we shared the 1st batch of the COVID-19 prevention kits and it was a success. As we shared the kits, we were encouraged to give more, especially in little ways.

Why is Prevention Important?

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) declared as a global pandemic marks an unprecedented time in history. The virus has taken thousands of lives and has spread to nearly every country of the world. Nigeria is not an exception and we must all make efforts to prevent the spread.

Nigeria is the largest country in Africa by population. This means that the virus can spread a lot faster, especially in Lagos, Nigeria. Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, is even more vulnerable because of its population density and economic significance. Therefore, preventing the spread of the virus would require both the private sector and government involvement.

This is why Ark Creative Agency committed to give out 1,000 coronavirus prevention kits for free to support individuals and communities dealing with the outbreak. The preventive kits contain:

  • Face Masks
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Protective Gloves
  • Information Leaflets

We are getting these kits to the most vulnerable segment of the community - low income earners.

Inspiring Others to Protect our Future

Our primary focus were vulnerable communities within Lagos and our first community outreach was the Somolu community. As an impact-driven organisation, we want to inspire more companies to start and support COVID prevention initiatives. Additional support would impact more people and communities positively, which in turn would foster a happier, safe and healthier world - one where our companies and economy can thrive.

Together, we can achieve so much more and stop the spread.



Stay safe and healthy!